Welcome to the twelfth edition of our newsletter. Read on to find out what has been happening with the AI Standards Hub over the past couple of weeks.

Welcome to our regular newsletter. Read on to find out what has been happening with the AI Standards Hub over the past couple of weeks.

Latest blog post: Pioneering new certification body engagement with ISO/IEC 42001
Latest blog post: Pioneering new certification body engagement with ISO/IEC 42001
In our latest blog post, Tim McGarr discusses the Hub’s recent activities engaging with certification bodies on the ongoing development of the AI Management System Standard ISO/IEC 42001. The blog explains the importance of certification body engagement in the standards development process for designing aligned certification processes and sets out the role of a recent workshop to facilitate this engagement.
Read the blog post
Have your say on the AI regulation white paper by 21 June
Have your say on the AI regulation white paper by 21 June
There are just under six weeks left to respond to the Government’s call for views on its recently published White paper on AI regulation and the associated impact assessment. As previously highlighted, the white paper sets out five principles for responsible AI and emphasises the importance of standards as a tool for achieving responsible AI in practice. Interested organisations and individuals are invited to submit their views on 35 optional questions.
Visit the consultation page
New NPL publication on the certification of machine learning applications
New NPL publication on the certification of machine learning applications
NPL has published a new report titled “Certification of Machine Learning Applications in the Context of Trustworthy AI with Reference to the Standardisation of AI Systems”. The report considers the landscape of AI standards and certification and discusses their role in building trust in AI systems and their operationalisation. The report also looks at ChatGPT and the implications of principles of trustworthy AI for such systems.
Access the report
Sign up for a user account
Sign up for a user account
Creating a user account on the AI Standards Hub website will enable you to take advantage of a wide range of interactive features. Benefits include the ability to save standards and other database items to your personal dashboard, notifications when followed standards open for comment or move from draft to publication, being able to contribute to our community discussion forums, access to our e-learning modules, and much more!
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