Towards secure AI for all: Inclusive approaches to AI security standardisation
– 3:30 pm BST
Recent research from the Centre for Emerging Technology and Security (CETaS) examines the challenges associated with securing AI systems and considers the role international AI standards can play in addressing these challenges.
Identifying AI security as an urgent challenge requiring agile intervention, this work situates AI standards within a broader suite of tools that can support a holistic, whole-lifecycle assurance process for AI security.
This AI Standards Hub webinar will examine the significance of the report’s findings in the context of calls for wider participation in AI standardisation: Who is harmed, and how, when AI systems have vulnerabilities exploited? How can standards focused on addressing AI security challenges meaningfully and effectively centre the needs of impacted communities?
The featured panel discussion will explore what an inclusive, multistakeholder approach to AI security standardisation could look like, providing an opportunity to address specific considerations for civil society and other underrepresented groups.
Panellists will discuss the importance of promoting AI security from the perspective of different stakeholder groups, consider specific challenges for multistakeholder participation in the AI security context, and critically assess whether standards are an appropriate venue to foster an inclusive approach to AI security governance.
- Issy Hall, Policy Lead – Emerging Technology Standards Lead, DSIT
- Chiara Giovannini, Senior Manager Policy & Innovation and Deputy Director General, ANEC
- Kris Shrishak, Public Interest Technologist and Senior Fellow, Enforce

Key Information
Event Type: Online
Free to attend: Yes
Start time: 2:30 pm BST
End time: 3:30 pm BST
Date: 24 Sep 2024