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ISO/IEC 24039:2022
BS ISO/IEC 24039

Information Technology. Smart city digital platform reference architecture. Data and service

Last updated: 18 Jul 2024

Development Stage




31 Aug 2022


Smart City Digital Platform (SCDP) aims to form a pragmatic development of information technology foundations that enable the integration of urban services. SCDPs are part of digital transformation in urban infrastructure and services that is being driven by the deployment of Internet of Things (IoT), Artificial Intelligence (AI), cloud computing, big data and digital twin solutions and other digital technologies.

A SCDP is where various and distributed applications can share some fundamental common resource and functions. It provides the interface to integrate digital and physical infrastructure of the city. It also provides integrated capability to coordinate data, services and applications across operational domains for multiple stakeholders in smart cities.

A SCDP will help to break down the traditional system silos of the city by bringing connections between them. It looks beyond sectoral silos to reimagine existing systems, enable new processes and interactions, and migrate towards new forms of service delivery. The digital capabilities characterized as “connect things, connect data and connect innovation”, which are provided by SCDP will be key criteria for cities to build the partnerships they need to ensure their economies, environment, and services are fit for the future. © British Standards Institution 2022

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Domain: Smart cities

Key Information

Organisation: ISO/IEC, BSI
Committee: ISO/IEC JTC 1
Relevant UK committee: SDS/2

Referenced standards: ISO/IEC 30145-3, ISO 37156:2020, ISO/IEC 25024:2015, ISO/IEC 25012:2008, ISO/IEC 38505-1:2017, ISO/IEC/TR 38505-2:2018, ISO/IEC 30182:2017, ITU-T F.743.21:2020, ISO 37110

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