This standard contains specifications for training to become Big Data Practitioners, Big Data Engineers, Big Data Managers and Big Data…
VDI/VDE 3714 Blatt 6
Implementation and operation of big data applications in the manufacturing industry – Validation of models
Although the term “Big Data” has been used for several years, it continues to be associated with very different topics…
VDI/VDE 3714 Blatt 5
Implementation and operation of big data applications in the manufacturing industry – Modelling procedures
Although the term “Big Data” has been used for several years, it continues to be associated with very different topics…
VDI/VDE 3714 Blatt 7
Implementation and operation of big data applications in the manufacturing industry – Online application of data-driven models
Although the term “Big Data” has been used for several years, it continues to be associated with very different topics…
VDI/VDE 3714 Blatt 4
Implementation and operation of big data applications in the manufacturing industry – Analysis process classes
Although the term “Big Data” has been used for several years, it continues to be associated with very different topics…
VDI/VDE 3714 Blatt 3
Implementation and operation of big data applications in the manufacturing industry – Data management
Although the term “Big Data” has been used for several years, it continues to be associated with very different topics…
VDI/VDE 3550 Blatt 1
Computational Intelligence – Artificial neuronal network in automation – Terms and definitions
The document specifies for industrial users of neuronal networks a uniform basis for using the most important terms and definitons.…
IEEE 2671-2022
Standard For General Requirements Of Online Detection Based On Machine Vision In Intelligent Manufacturing
This standard specifies through the general requirements of online detection based on machine vision, including requirements for data format, data…
CEN ISO/TR 22100-5:2022
Safety of machinery ā Relationship with ISO 12100 ā Part 5: Implications of artificial intelligence machine learning
This document addresses how artificial intelligence machine learning can impact the safety of machinery and machinery systems. This document describes…
PAS 1085:2018 from BSI
Manufacturing. Establishing and implementing a security-minded approach. Specification
This PAS specifies requirements for the security-minded management of manufacturing organizations and the associated value chain utilizing information, digital technologies…
ANSI/RIA R 15.08-1
Industrial Mobile Robots – Safety Requirements – Part 1: Requirements for the Industrial Mobile Robot
Specifies safety requirements for industrial mobile robots (IMRs). It describes basic hazards associated with IMRs in an industrial environment (See…
IEEE 2671-2022
IEEE Standard for General Requirements of Online Detection Based on Machine Vision in Intelligent Manufacturing
New IEEE Standard – Active. General requirements of online detection based on machine vision, including requirements for data format, data…