Advancing academic engagement with AI standardisation: Generating research impact through standards development
– 10:30 am GMT
Engaging with AI standards development offers a unique and underutilised avenue for academics to translate their research into tangible impact. At the same time, insights gained through previous AI Standards Hub events suggest that there are fundamental challenges for academics to contribute. These involve a historical lack of awareness of the standardisation ecosystem, limited knowledge of how to contribute in concrete terms and the need for dedicated training and incentives specifically for academics to meaningfully engage.
To further unpack these challenges and to work towards forming solutions, this event will convene academics from different geographic regions for a deep dive discussion into the relevance and practical implications of their research contributing towards standards development.
Attendees will have the opportunity to assess how their research could be reflected in standards, explore how to foster meaningful participation in this area, and steer the work of the AI Standards Hub in support of the communities they represent.
The event agenda will feature an opening segment presenting concrete ways of how research can contribute towards the different types of standards deliverables. This will be followed by breakout sessions where participants will consider the possibility and appropriateness of their research contributing to standards, and a final segment will capture incentives and training required to realise meaningful contribution.
The virtual workshop has limited capacity and is open to interested academic researchers from around the world. If you are interested in the event and feel your work would benefit from insights on the topics covered, please submit an expression of interest via the registration form.
Given the limited number of seats, should interest exceed the available capacity, organisers will prioritise equitable representation across geographic regions and individual organisations when allocating seats. To ensure that we are able to consider your interest, please complete the form by 8 January 2025. We will confirm your place at the event by 10 January 2025 together with a zoom link and agenda.

External Links

Key Information
Event Type: Online
Start time: 8:30 am GMT
End time: 10:30 am GMT
Date: 22 Jan 2025