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Community rules

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    The AI Standards Hub forums are an inclusive space to discuss topics related to AI standardisation, where everyone should feel safe and welcome to participate. To ensure this inclusive and safe environment, we expect all users to abide by the following community rules:

    1. Be civil.
    The AI Standards Hub encourages open discussions, but all communications should be respectful. Differences of opinion are okay; personal attacks are not.

    2. Stay on topic.
    Comments, questions and contributions should be relevant to the topic being discussed. The Hub is not a place for personal or commercial solicitation or advertising.

    3. Act legally.
    Participating in, suggesting, or encouraging illegal activity will lead to the removal of content and possible further consequences. This includes respect for intellectual property and ensuring that copyrighted materials are not shared on our site without ownersā€™ permission.

    4. Respect users’ privacy.
    You can control the information you share with others through setting in your profile dashboard. Please do not disclose information on other community members if they have not chosen to do so from their own dashboard.

    You can read our full terms of use and content standards here.

    When we consider that a breach of these terms has occurred, we will take appropriate action, including through issuing warnings to individual users or removing their account.

    Thank you for taking the time to read our community rules, and welcome to the AI Standards Hub forums.

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