ISO/IEC 30121:2015
BS EN ISO/IEC 30121:2016
ISO International Organization for Standardization & IEC International Electrotechnical Commission
ISO/IEC 20546:2019
BS ISO/IEC 20546:2019
Information technology. Big data. Overview and vocabulary
What is ISO 20546 on Big data about? ISO 20546 is an international standard that covers vocabulary about information technology.…
ISO/IEC 22123-1:2021
BS ISO/IEC 22123-1:2021
Information technology. Cloud computing. Vocabulary
What is ISO/IEC 22123-1 about? ISO/IEC 22123-1 provides terms and definitions for vocabulary used in the field of cloud computing.…
ISO/IEC 22624:2020
BS ISO/IEC 22624:2020
Information technology. Cloud computing. Taxonomy based data handling for cloud services
What is ISO/IEC 22624 about? ISO/IEC 22624 describes a framework for the structured expression of data-related policies and practices in…
ISO/IEC 23751:2022
BS ISO/IEC 23751:2022
Information technology. Cloud computing and distributed platforms. Data sharing agreement (DSA) framework
What is ISO/IEC 23751 ā Data Sharing Agreement framework about? ISO/IEC 23751 is an International Standard that focuses on information…
ISO/IEC 19086-1:2016
BS ISO/IEC 19086-1:2016
Information technology. Cloud computing. Service level agreement (SLA) framework. Overview and concepts
ISO/IEC 19086-1:2016 seeks to establish a set of common cloud SLA building blocks (concepts, terms, definitions, contexts) that can be…
ISO/IEC 20547-4:2020
BS ISO/IEC 20547-4:2020
Information technology. Big data reference architecture. Security and privacy
What is ISO/IEC 20547-4 about? ISO/IEC 20547 is an international standard on information technology that aims to improve security and…
ISO/IEC 5394:2024
ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 42 N 649, ISO/IEC NP 5394
Information technology ā Criteria for concept systems
This document specifies the requirements and provides guidance for establishing, implementing, maintaining and continually improving an artificial intelligence management system…
ISO/IEC TS 27110:2021
PD ISO/IEC TS 27110:2021
Information technology, cybersecurity and privacy protection. Cybersecurity framework development guidelines
What is ISO/IEC TS 27110 about? ISO/IEC TS 27110 specifies guidelines for developing a cybersecurity framework. It is applicable to…
ISO/IEC DIS 19795-10
Information technology ā Biometric performance testing and reporting ā Part 10: Quantifying biometric system performance variation across demographic groups
ISO/IEC CD 29794-5.3
Information technology ā Biometric sample quality ā Part 5: Face image data
Information technology ā Artificial intelligence ā Treatment of unwanted bias in classification and regression machine learning tasks
This document provides mitigation techniques that can be applied throughout the AI system life cycle in order to treat unwanted…