ISO/IEC TR 22116:2021
ISO 24229:2022
BS ISO 24229:2022
Information and documentation – Codes for written language conversion systems
This standard sets out the necessary procedures to maintain the registry of written language conversion systems. Ā© ISO/IEC 2022 All…
ISO 23903:2021
BS EN ISO 23903:2021
Health Informatics. Interoperability and integration reference architecture. Model and framework
What is ISO 23903āInteroperability and integration reference architecture about? ISO 23903 is an international standard that deals with health informatics.…
ISO/TS 21564:2019
PD ISO/TS 21564:2019
Health Informatics. Terminology resource map quality measures (MapQual)
What is ISO/TS 21564 – Healthcare terminology resource mapping about? Healthcare organizations and software vendors are increasingly using maps to…
ISO/TS 22272:2021
PD ISO/TS 22272:2021
Health Informatics. Methodology for analysis of business and information needs of health enterprises to support standards based architectures
What is ISO/TS 22272 about? PD ISO/TS 22272 presents a methodology that supports and enables the development of standards-based business…
ISO/TS 22287:2019
PD ISO/TS 22287:2019
Health informatics. Workforce roles and capabilities for terminology and terminology services in healthcare (term workforce)
What is ISO/TS 22287 – Terminology services in healthcare about? The use of terminology service helps in understanding and sharing…
ITU-T L Supplement 42
Guidelines on the environmental efficiency of machine learning processes in supply chain management
This guidance document is intended to support machine learning (ML) researchers and operators to measure and improve the environmental efficiency…
ISO/TR 24291:2021
Health informatics – Applications of machine learning technologies in imaging and other medical applications
This document lists examples of and defines categories of use cases for machine learning in medicine for clinical practice. The…
ISO 37000:2021
BS ISO 37000:2021
Governance of organizations. Guidance
What is BS ISO 37000:2021 about? Governance helps organizations achieve their purpose in an effective and responsible way and meet…
ISO/IEC TR 38504:2016
Governance of information technology – Guidance for principles-based standards in the governance of information technology
Recommendation ITU-T P.1402 introduces machine-learning techniques and their application for quality of service (QoS) and quality of experience (QoE) prediction…
Recommendation ITU-T Y.3156 describes the requirements and functional roles of AI-assisted analysis in support of the lifecycle management and orchestration…