This standard provides terminology relating to, and Ā principles for organizational resilience.Ā It identifies and attributes and activities that support an…
What is ISO 37180 about? ISO 37180 discusses smart community infrastructure. This international standard promotes the implementation of QR codes…
ISO 8373:2021
BS ISO 8373:2021
Robotics. Vocabulary
What is ISO 8373 about? ISO 8373 is stand that serves technical specifications for usage of standardized vocabulary in the…
CEN ISO/TR 22100-5:2022
Safety of machinery ā Relationship with ISO 12100 ā Part 5: Implications of artificial intelligence machine learning
This document addresses how artificial intelligence machine learning can impact the safety of machinery and machinery systems. This document describes…
ISO 18646-4:2021
BS ISO 18646-4:2021
Robotics. Performance criteria and related test methods for service robots. Lower-back support robots
What is ISO 18646-4 about? ISO 18646-4 is the fourth part of a multi-series standard that deals with the performance…
ISO 22166-1:2021
BS ISO 22166-1:2021
Robotics. Modularity for service robots. General requirements
What is ISO 22166-1 about? ISO 22166-1 is the first part of the ISO 22166 multi-series that focuses on robotics.…
ISO/DIS 13482
Robotics ā Safety requirements for service robots
This standard specifies the safety requirements for service robots used in personal and professional/commercial applications. Ā©ISO 2022. All rights reserved.
ISO 22733-1:2022
BS ISO 22733-1:2021
Road vehicles. Test method to evaluate the performance of autonomous emergency braking systems. Car-to-car
This document specifies a method to evaluate the behaviour of a vehicle equipped with an autonomous emergency braking system (AEBS),…
ISO/TR 4804:2020
PD ISO/TR 4804:2020
Road vehicles. Safety and cybersecurity for automated driving systems. Design, verification and validation
What is PD ISO/TR 4804 about?Ā Ā ISO/TR 4804 is an international standard on road vehicles applicable for the safety of…
ISO/TR 21934-1:2021
PD ISO/TR 21934-1:2021
Road vehicles. Prospective safety performance assessment of pre-crash technology by virtual simulation – State-of-the-art and general method overview
What is PD ISO/TR 21934ā1 about?Ā Ā PD ISO/TR 21934ā1 is part of the multi-series standard that describes the state-of-the-art of…
ITU-T M.3382
Requirements for work order processing in telecom management with artificial intelligence
Recommendation ITU-T M.3382 provides the requirements for work order processing in telecom management with artificial intelligence (AI). Based on AI…
ITU-T L Supplement 41
Requirements on energy efficiency measurement models and the role of artificial intelligence and big data
Energy efficiency is a crucial issue for the sustainability of cities, today and in the future, especially due to the…