AI trustworthiness framework
AI Risk Management
prCEN/CLC/TR 17894
Artificial Intelligence Conformity Assessment
ETSI TR 104032 V 1.1.1
Securing Artificial Intelligence (SAI) – Traceability of AI Models
The NWI will study the role of traceability in the challenge of Securing AI and explore issues related to sharing…
This is an adoption of the Moving Picture, Audio and Data Coding by Artificial Intelligence (MPAI)–Technical Specification Neural Network Watermarking…
The Use of Artificial Intelligence in Health Care: Managing, Characterizing, and Safeguarding Data
Project to update CTA 2107 clarifying existing language. To include: – Clarifying the use of the term “validation”; – Relocating…
ETSI GS ZSM 012 V 1.1.1
Zero-touch network and Service Management (ZSM) – Enablers for Artificial Intelligence-based Network and Service Automation
The work item will specify extensions and new capabilities (so-called ‘AI enablers’) for the ZSM framework reference architecture providing support…
ETSI GR ZSM 005 V 1.1.1
Zero-touch network and Service Management (ZSM) – Means of Automation
This work item will explore different existing means or approaches, to achieve automation. It will not address a survey of…