Research and analysis item
Research and analysis item
AI barometer 2021
The CDEIās AI Barometer is a major analysis of the most pressing opportunities, risks and governance challenges associated with AI…
Research and analysis item
Robustness and explainability of artificial intelligence: from technical to policy solutions
In the light of the recent advances in artificial intelligence (AI), the serious negative consequences of its use for EU…
Research and analysis item
The benefits and harms of algorithms: a shared perspective from the four digital regulators
In 2021 the DRCF established an Algorithmic Processing workstream to explore the impact of algorithms across our industries and regulatory…
Research and analysis item
Auditing algorithms: the existing landscape, role of regulators and future outlook
In 2021 the DRCF established an Algorithmic Processing workstream to explore the impact of algorithms across our industries and regulatory…
Research and analysis item
Understanding bias in facial recognition technologies
Over the past couple of years, the growing debate around automated facial recognition has reached a boiling point. As developers…
Research and analysis item
Data justice in practice guides
The Data Justice in Practice Guides are a series of three guides for policymakers, impacted communities, and developers. The guides…
Research and analysis item
Advancing data justice
In 2021, the Global Partnership on AI chose The Alan Turing Institute to lead a project they had begun titled…
Research and analysis item
Scoping study for supporting the development of a code of practice for researchers on standardisation: final report
The Scoping study for supporting the development of a Code of Practice for researchers on standardisation aims to identify elements…
Research and analysis item
SMEs and standardisation in Europe
Every year, more than 1,000 European standards are adopted by the three European standards organisations: CEN, CENELEC and ETSI. Although…
Research and analysis item
Role of standardisation in support of emerging technologies
This study explores the role of standardisation in supporting the development and commercialisation of emerging technologies in the UK. The…
Research and analysis item