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Strategies and roadmaps

National AI strategy – AI action plan


Last year, the UK Government published its National AI Strategy, setting out a vision to strengthen the UKā€™s position as an AI and science superpower over the coming decade. We put forward the following overarching pillars to guide the Strategy: Investing and planning for the long term needs of the AI ecosystem to continue our leadership as a science and AI superpower; Supporting the transition to an AI-enabled economy, capturing the benefits of innovation in the UK, and ensuring AI benefits all sectors and regions; Ensuring the UK gets the national and international governance of AI technologies right to encourage innovation, investment, and protect the public and our fundamental values.

In the Strategy, we committed to setting out a plan which describes how we are executing against this vision. This document provides an overview of progress in the context of a rapidly evolving AI ecosystem within a similarly evolving global context. This Action Plan will be updated each year to show how government is:

  • delivering against our vision and strategic goals to strengthen the UKā€™s position as an AI leader
  • building the evidence base to better monitor and assess progress; and
  • making sure our approach is future-proofed and that we are responding effectively to the latest and most impactful AI developments

This Action Plan provides a summary of governmentā€™s progress since we published the National AI Strategy last September. It describes the range of ambitious actions we have taken, from new funding for AI postgraduate skills, to publishing the governmentā€™s Defence AI Strategy, to setting out the governmentā€™s emerging pro-innovation approach to regulating AI. As we drive forward our ambitious strategy, we are committed to developing appropriate metrics to track delivery against our vision. We are developing new baseline data on the size and scale of the UKā€™s AI sector. We will return to this evidence base in future iterations of the Action Plan.

This content is available under the Open Government Licence v3.0

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